Lights, camera, action for Kelly!

Kelly Warburton  wasn’t at her graduation ceremony today.  There’s a good reason for that.  Kelly’s just started a year-long programme for screen writers run by the British Film Institute in London – The  “Professional Story Development and Marketing for the Screen” programme mentors new scriptwriters working on a TV script or feature film with the help of a film professional. Kelly will be working with Rachael Prior, who’s head of development  at Big Talk Films, whose credits include Man Up, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead.

The programme concludes in April 2018 with an international film fair where participants can pitch and sell their scripts to industry professionals.

For her MA thesis, Kelly completed a script for a play under the supervision of 2015/16 writer-in-residence, playwright Michael West –

Check out her fictional soap series, Pure Awkward,  – – which appeared in the Evening Echo and the website, headstuff, as part of her portfolio for the MA media module.

Congratulations to Kelly and all the graduands of the 2015/16 MACW programme.